Freelance SaaS Writer

Aggee Writes – How SaaS companies sell more with SEO and copywriting.

Copy designed to promote your company and increase conversions. Without the overhead expenses of an in-house team or marketing agency. 

Problems I solve💡

I find it hard to stand out in my saturated market.

“We found a gap in the market and built a great product, but now we’re struggling to capture the attention of our target audience.”

Ranking for the right keywords is a headache.

“It’s frustrating not being able to secure top positions for the keywords that matter most to our business.”

We’re struggling to convert visitors into leads and customers.

“Our content is attracting the wrong audience and failing to guide prospects through the sales funnel.”

Understanding the impact of our SEO and content marketing is challenging.

“Tracking data analytics is overwhelming. We’re struggling to get actionable insights that can drive strategic decision-making for our SaaS company.”

How I can help

So you found a gap in the market and built a product that solves a problem.

Now you want to let prospects know why they should choose your product over the competition.

Aggee Writes is a one man SEO business. It’s designed for folks like you who want to attract more leads through content.

Building a quality product or service from the ground up is one thing.

Turning leads into customers is another.

I write specific content that sells the value of your product by digging into the complex features that make your product the best.

My three-step process to SaaS content writing

1. High-converting, bottom of funnel topics

Say goodbye to vague, filler content. I write specific, targeted content that speaks to customers who are ready to buy.

For example (for a project management software):

  • Comparison posts like Asana vs. Trello
  • Alternative posts like Asana Alternatives
  • Product list posts like Best Project Management Software

You can find out more about my SEO content writing process in this guide.

2. Expert-driven content

I tap into your team’s expertise, interviewing key players to understand your product on a deep level.

I look into the pain points you solve, study your competitors, review your unique selling points, until your product becomes second nature to me.

Not a single word is written until I’m as fluent in your product as you are (or at least very close).

3. Conversion tracking

Whether you want more free trial sign-ups, an increase in demo requests or more paid subscriptions, I keep a close eye on your conversion goals.

So you can rest assured that every step of your content marketing process is powered by real results.

WHAT I COVER IN MY SaaS content writing services


Landing page writing

Clear, persuasive and relevant messaging is what rests at the heart of a good landing page. Be it a B2B or B2C sales page, I can write memorable, inviting copy that turns visitors into dream clients. 


SEO content writing

Using a unique blend of expertise, I can write copy that both your clients and search engines will love.


Blog writing

You’re more likely to earn your client’s trust by becoming a credible source on the topics that matter to them. I can help you write fresh and insightful blog content that sets you apart.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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